Our Philosophy
At Market Gauge Asset Management, we focus on the data and analytics. We design, test, and trade our own proprietary models originating from our diverse experience with different financial markets and instruments. All of our trading is built around five core concepts:
- Liquidity flows in capital markets lead to trend persistence which is the single best predictor of future price movements.
- Investment systems should be designed to take advantage of these larger trends while controlling risk and limiting downside.
- Prolonged bear markets, which often occur during recessions, lead to significant capital depreciation in equity markets. Avoiding losses during these periods can save years of work of just trying to return your capital to its original levels.
- We seek to capitalize during protracted bear markets. Our trading models are designed to have short and alternative exposure to leverage bear markets.
- Core Investment strategies can be improved through incorporating short-term trading tactics adapted from our extensive floor trading experience.
Our trading philosophy is a foundational bedrock in how we approach markets, investing, trading, and managing portfolios.
For additional information about any of the models or other investment opportunities with MGAM, please contact us at: info@mgamllc.com